Episode #14: Using Play to Address Big Topics

Episode 14 - The Magic of Littles Podcast

The world is swimming in Big Topics these days, between Covid-19, Pride, and the Black Lives Matter movement. So, what does that mean for our classrooms? This week, I’m talking about how to help our Littles explore these topics as they inevitably come up in play, both inside and outside the classroom! 

“Play is the highest form of research.” Albert Einstein’s famous quotation is passed on a lot in our circles, and for good reason.

Our Little Researchers are always trying out new ideas, and sometimes, these can be very tough to navigate. What do you say when one Little doesn’t want to play with another? And what do you say if the reason they don’t want to play with their classmate is the color of their eyes (true story, I’ve seen it!) -- how do you respond to this type of behavior in a way that doesn’t shut them down and close them off? 

Another topic I touch on in this episode is the concept of Black Burnout -- what is it and how does that apply to the classroom? It’s time to rethink how rest time works for us! 

I truly love how much care and effort teachers are putting into making sure there is a representation of different cultures and skin tones in their classrooms. But that’s only the beginning!


  • Listen to Planting Seeds!

  • We have a couple of people in the beta group. My goal is more than likely 15 people to beta-test my newest professional development course: “Can I Play Too?” Collective

  • This group will be going through a framework working through the topics of socio-emotional learning, shifting challenging behaviors, inclusion, and more, and we will address these topics from a variety of viewpoints, including remote learning, homeschooling, and, of course, in the classroom!

  • If being a part of this sounds like your cup of tea, just copy/paste and fill in the following, and send it to me hello@themagicoflittles.com:

    Hey Renee!

    I am totally interested in joining the beta group for Can I Play Too? Collective. I am interested because… 

    Play Matters,

    Your Name Here! 

    Can’t wait to hear from you!

  • Be a part of our Teacher Tribe on FaceBook! I wanted to create a secure place to discuss podcast topics in a way that’s meaningful and expansive, so I’ve opened up my Facebook group: “The Magic of Littles Club.” Join in the chat whether you’re facing some struggles and need advice or you’re absolutely thriving. All voices are needed in this forum!

  • Which Big Topics have you worked through with the Little Researchers in your classroom?


So brew yourself a cup of tea and listen in on the full podcast here:


Tag me on Instagram @themagicoflittles, and let me know what you thought of today’s episode! You can also join in the conversation at the Magic of Littles Club on Facebook

Send me your thoughts, questions, and feedback at hello@themagicoflittles.com!

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